I thought I wasn't ready to graduate, but it turns out I was. Obviously, I didn't want to go to class anymore or write another paper, but up until graduation day, I did not feel ready to leave college.
But the day of graduation, I was ready. It felt right and good and perfect. I'm done with my undergraduate career. The hardest part has been saying goodbye to roommates and friends.
What I am not ready for is the real world and a real job. I will be. Eventually.
Right now I'm reading several books at once. At the beginning of the semester, I read half of The Inheritance of Loss by Kiran Desai before I had to shelve it in favor of school reading, but to be honest, it was somewhat slow going anyway. Then once classes ended, I picked up Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children and got through over a third of the book before I got distracted with re-reads. I was genuinely angry at myself when I spilled water on part of the book and proceeded to carefully place paper towels in between pages to prevent the words from bleeding. After all, I haven't gotten to the end yet and need those words to be completely intact. Damage to a book that I caused, even by accident, makes me a little sick. Most recently, I started reading The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon. It makes me want to know the history of comic books and I am thoroughly enjoying the novel so far. I want the next book to be an easy summer read, something breezing and engaging. I'm on the look-out, despite the fact that I have three books-in-progress!
You? Deface a book? I refuse to believe it!
How is the job hunting going and how did the move back home go? I think about you often and want to know where you end up!! Is an knitting taking place?
The Museum is still busy doing what it does. I continue to knit in staff meetings!
Hey Rachel!
Great to finally read your blog. (I recognized you this time (not that imposter at readingrachel.blogspot.com.) You should update it! (even just a short post). Hope you voted for your favorite 70's band on my blog.
See you later!
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